Instruments For Sale

On this page we help club members sell instruments they no longer need or use, if you are interested in any of the items below, just drop an email to [email protected] and we’ll put you in touch with the seller.

On the other hand, if you have something you’d like to sell, send a picture, breif explanation and the price your looking for, and we’ll add your instrument to the listing below.

You’ll notice that there are some instruments listed under Folk Club Fundraisers, these instruments have been gifted to the club, and any proceeds will go towards the Folk Club’s funds.

Line 6 desk top amplifier

Blue tooth interface guitar effects.

Interested? Contact [email protected]

Price £40.00

3 Guitar Tuition Books

Everything you need to know to learn or improve your guitar playing. Total Cover Price £50

This is a donation for the Folk Club Funds

Interested? Contact: [email protected]

£You Decide, just make an offer 🙂